Foot and Ankle Doctor Blog Space

Correct your Hammertoes without going to the OR

Hammertoes are a painful and progressive deformity that commonly results from a muscle or tendon imbalance. There are tendons that run on top of toes known as extensors, which are responsible for pulling the toes up. There are also tendons that run on the bottom of toes known as flexor tendons that pull the toes down. When the flexor tendons become stronger than the extensor tendons the toes contract creating a hammertoe.


Patients often complain of pain when wearing shoes, contracture of toes, corns and calluses that form on top of the toes where the contracture is occurring and in between toes. Flexor tenotomy is a quick, minimally invasive procedure with few complications or risks.


There are no sutures needed or dressings that need to be changed. Patients will have a reduction in pain and do not need to take time off work. Flexor tenotomies give instant results, however it is not meant to be a cosmetic fix. Local anesthetic will be administered to the toe before the procedure begins. Once the toe is numb a small stab incision will be made on the bottom of the toe with a needle.


The needle is moved back and forth in a sweeping motion to cut the fibers of the flexor tendon. The toe will aggressively be moved up and down to ensure the fibers have been cut. Once the tendon has been cut the toes will immediately straighten and have increased flexibility. Patients will be shown how to splint their toe with adhesive strapping and educated on stretching the toe upwards. If you are suffering from painful toes come see us at Foot & Ankle Doctors, Inc


Dr. Nejad

Tarsal Coalition In Children

If your child is complaining of foot or ankle pain that is unexplained by an injury come see us at Foot & Ankle Doctors, Inc where our physicians will examine for a tarsal coalition. Tarsal bones are bones located in the middle of the foot, the heel and the ankle. A tarsal coaltion occurs when there is an abnormal connection between two or more of these bones. This condition is usually present at birth, but your child may not show symptoms until later in life, usually around ages 9 to 16. Children with a tarsal coalition display the following symptoms


 Limp when walking


 Experience stiffness around the ankle and has decreased range of motion


 Tired legs


 Muscle spasms in the legs


 Flatfoot can be present in one or both feet


An x-ray and advanced imaging studies may be required to fully evaluate the condition before treatment is made. The goal of treatment is to reduce pain in your child’s foot. Our physicians at Foot & Ankle Doctors, Inc will take a conservative approach first by offering


 Physical therapy to increase range of motion


Custom orthotic devices to stabilize the foot and relieve pain


 Immobilization to remove stress from the foot and allow painful areas to rest


 Oral medication to reduce pain and inflammation


 Steroid injections to reduce pain and inflammation


If pain persists with conservative treatment, surgical intervention may be needed.


Dr. Dardashti

Shooting Foot Pain – Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Tarsal tunnel is similar to carpal tunnel where a nerve is compressed producing sharp shooting pain. Tarsal Tunnel refers to a canal on the inside of the ankles. This canal allows tendons, nerves, arteries and veins to course along the ankle and into the foot. A sheath covers this canal to hold the structures in place. When this canal becomes compressed it pinches the tibial nerve in the canal causing a shooting pain.

Tarsal tunnel can be caused by:

  • Flat feet or “fallen arches” can compress the tibial nerve

  • Trauma or previous ankle injury causing swelling placing pressure on the nerve

  • Abnormal structures such as ganglion cyst, varicose veins, inflamed tendon, bone spur

  • Systemic diseases: arthritis, diabetes

Symptoms include tingling, numbness or shooting pain in the feet. Our doctors at Foot& Ankle Doctors, Inc will tap along the course of the tibial nerve, if symptoms are reproduced while performing this test it is an indication for tarsal tunnel. It is important to exclude the possibility of a pinched nerve in the lower back that can produce similar symptoms.

Treatment for tarsal tunnel syndrome starts with conservative options to reduce inflammation, pressure and or limit motion to the tarsal tunnel:

  • Rest

  • Ice

  • Oral medication

  • Immobilization/bracing

  • Steroid injection

  • Physical therapy

  • Orthotics

In cases where conservative treatments fail, surgery may be required in which case a tarsal tunnel release will be performed.

Come see us at Foot& Ankle Doctors, Inc for more information

Dr. Dardashti

Kevin Durant suffers from a Jones fracture

We are sad to hear that Kevin Durant is suffering from a Jones fracture. A Jones fracture is a common fracture of the 5th metatarsal (a long bone on the outside of the foot that connects to the little toe) commonly caused by an inward twisting injury of the foot.

Durant most likely experienced pain, swelling and tenderness along the outside of his foot, had difficulty walking and may have had some bruising. It was crucial that Durant was diagnosed and treated immediately because the 5th metatarsal has a poor blood supply that impedes the healing process.

Nonsurgical treatments for Durant includes resting and icing, immobilizing his foot with a cast and avoiding placing any weight on his foot. Jones fractures can take 6 weeks to heal and another 2-3 weeks of rehabilitation to build up muscle strength and range of motion.

Most professional athletes opt to treat a Jones fracture operatively with a screw or plate placed across the fracture site to avoid the possibility of delayed healing or non-unions, which are frequent with Jones fractures. It could be 8-12 weeks before Durant returns to the court if he decides to have surgery.

All of us at Foot & Ankle Doctors, Inc. are wishing Durant a speedy recovery.


Dr. Dardashti

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