In recent years medical technology has advanced leaps and bounds. The decades old treatment of custom functional orthotics for foot imbalance can now be accurately assessed using a laser. Historically orthotics prescriptions required the physician to capture the postural position of the foot using plaster, foam boxes, or a fiberglass sock. The next generation of this process has arrived and we have it. Before we would invest in any new piece of technology, our doctors ensure that it has been tested and a literature review of its efficacy has been documented. After thorough review of the new technology out there, we acquired our laser which achieves true 3D scanning of our patients’ feet. MOST IMPORTANTLY IT PRODUCES AN ACCURATE IMAGE IN SECONDS !!! Unlike the previous techniques that were labor intensive, time consuming and an out right mess from the plaster residue left on the patients’ feet. These images are now securely transmitted to the lab which saves days over the old technique of shipping the plaster impressions in a box with a chance of loss or damage of the im pressions.
At Foot & Ankle Doctors, we have trained physicians who can assess your foot issues and prescribe the appropriate device and quickly obtain a LASER 3D image of your feet. The laser has no side effects and does not require protective goggles. Come in for an assessment and experience the latest in orthotic technology.