If you experience burning, tingling, stabbing, pins-and-needles sensation in your feet, you’re not alone. This sensation is referred to as peripheral neuropathy and commonly affects diabetics. 60-70% of diabetics will develop peripheral neuropathy because they have uncontrolled blood sugars which damage nerves in the hands and feet leading to a tingling sensation and loss of feeling. Your feet may feel numb and you may loose the ability to feel temperature and pain making you more susceptible to injury, infection and burns. It is important to check your feet every day for signs of injury or infection. Many patients suffering from peripheral neuropathy are unable to sense a small pebble in their shoe and after walking on it all day long can develop a wound. It is important to wear properly fitted shoes and avoid walking barefoot. Make sure to check the temperature of the shower water before jumping in to avoid burning your feet.

There is no cure for peripheral neuropathy but there are medications that can help with the tingling sensation. Controlling blood sugar can help prevent the onset of peripheral neuropathy.
Peripheral neuropathy can also be caused by a vitamin B deficiency, certain medications, alcoholism, autoimmune diseases, infections, toxins and by many others. A herniated disk can also produce symptoms of a burning, tingling pain in the legs and feet. Come see Dr. Dardashti at Foot& Ankle Doctors, Inc for adequate diagnosis and treatment of your foot pain.